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Virtual Team Building | Using videoconferencing software to engage your remote team

Working from home is not a new phenomenon, multinational organizations have introduced such policies years ago. But during the Covid-19 pandemic, working from home has reached a new height, and most governments have made it mandatory, not only for large companies, but for small and medium sized businesses as well. At least for the time being or until the Coronavirus have been tamed.   


Working from home may bring some advantages, mainly increased productivity, no (or less) commuting time,and a better work-life balance. However, what may have started with a euphoria among workers has grounded in reality.


Loss of social connection may be depressing, a misaligned management team may even struggle more to work as a team, and low morale seems a big problem for HR professionals and leadership consultants. 


That's were virtual team building activities may be of use. Teams who work from home but in the same city may benefit the most from virtual team building because some activities or courses are inf fact hybrids, we start virtual, and meet in person as part of the exercise. Or some equipment and instructions are sent to the employees home to start a new team building project that is later shared vie videoconferencing app to all team members. For teams who are work from home in different cities or even countries may benefit from our virtual teamwork sills training workshops, like the The Five Dysfunctions of a team, The Six Thinking Hats, Strategic Planning with fun, or Creating a H2H Culture.   



Relationship building | Developing a happy and fulfilled workforce

Confident Leaders | Developing your executive team

Personal Development | Stepping outside your comfort zone

Psychometric Assessment | Understanding yourself and others

Organizational Change | Building the workplace of the future

Why is it that many organizations talk about change, attend change meetings, go on change workshops, watch change presentations, sign up to speeches by famous change consultants, yet change doesnt really happen in their organization. The way we do things tomorrow is the same as we do them today.


As human beings, we are naturally inclided about change. We prefer the world to work the same tomorrow as it does today. In order to change, we need to leave our comfort zone. We have to change our habits, our practices, our routines, our traditions and our conventions. In short, we have to change our culture.


Have you ever given up a really bad habit, like smoking or using your cell phone too much? If you did, than you know how hard change can be. At first glance it looks like a mammuth task and it scares the hell out of us. But when we look at it more closely, when we break down the idea of change into smaller elements, it becomes more tangible. 


Most organizations know how important change is. So why do most companies pay lip service to the idea of change? Why is it that talk remains talk and and is seldom put into action?


  • Organizations typically 

  • Are scared about change

  • Are not aligned about change

  • Lack tools and techniques about change

  • Think short time and therefore don't take change seriously.


With our organizational change programs we support organizations in SE-Asia to embrace change and to build a better workplace, one in which their pratices and routines can compete in the markets of the future.

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  • When is the best time to travel to Thailand?
    Thailand is blessed by its exotic climate and an abundance of sunshine throughout the year. There are two main seasons: the dry season and the raining season, both of which vary from coast to coast and from north to south. Generally, November to March is the best time to travel to Thailand, when there is almost guaranteed sunshine and low rainfall in all parts of the country (except the South-East). The raining season lasts from April to October, however, this is still a very pleasant period of time to visit Thaialnd as the rains are generally concentrated in heavy but short rainstorms that almost certainly are followed by sunshine for most of the day. The months of November and December offer cool breezes from the north.
  • What are the flight connections to Thailand?
    Thailand offers a vast variety of international and domestic flight services, with many of our team building locations being accessible by direct flights from many other ASEAN hub cities as well as by onward connecting services through Bangkok’s two international airports. With regular flights offered by international and low cost carriers, you may choose any destination in Thailand for your corporate team building event in the Land of Smiles.
  • What is unique about Thailand?
    The kindness and friendliness as well the omnipresent smiles of its people, and the reassuring feeling of feeling welcome in this beautiful country make Thailand a unique and extremely pleasant destination for your corporate incentive trip. Additionally, a fantastic, world-class tourism infrastructure makes Thailand one of the most sought-after MICE destinations in South-East Asia. Choose Thailand, the Land of Smiles, for your next corporate incentive team building event!
  • What are your most recommended team building events in Thailand?
    Thailand is Beunite's headquarter where we offer a full range of indoor, outdoor, adventure, as well as learning and development team building events. Besides our meaningful team building activities - which include CSR projects and executive outings - one of the most unique event in Thailand is our Shine with LINE program, an interactive Scavenger Hunt whereby teams explore their destination location and carry out exciting challenges by using GPS and mobile phones.

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