A fun and engaging team building workshop and introduction to the concept of behavioral analysis.
DISC is a psychometric assessment tool to measure a person’s tendencies or pattern of behavior.
The DISC model discusses four reference points of behavior, Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness.
DISC can be used as a hiring tool, to ensure new hires are well integrating into the team, and to avoid unnecessary clashes and conflicts.
DISC is a personal development tool and helps individuals to understand themselves, learn strategies to improve interactions with others and achieve higher workplace satisfaction as a result.
Prior to the course, participants will be filling out a DISC questionnaire, which will be analyzed and results will be put on badges for the participants to wear during the workshop.
The course focus lies on how to work better in teams using DISC profiles and how to become a better leader by understanding your behavioral profiles.
The first half of the course is designed understanding DISC profiles and its significance in the workplace. It includes videos, exercises, and group discussions.
The second part of the course participants will learn how to build a team using DISC, which includes activity-based learning and team building.
DISC can be used to develop powerful and individual motivational strategies. Individuals with a high D profile are motivated by other factors than individuals with a high S profile.
DISC has been proven to be the most effective team building tool. In this workshop, DISC is used to understand each individual’s behavioral pattern and to build a team from using the profiling system.
Benefits and learning outcomes
After the workshop, participants will be able to compare and contrast different DISC profiles, appreciate each others behavioral tendencies and to draw strategies to overcome conflict in the workplace.
The learning objective is to create a powerful team, whose members trust each other and who can overcome challenges in the workplace fast and efficiently.
Teaching methodology
This workshop is based on the philosophy of William Moulton Marston, the father of the of the modern DISC. Students are encouraged to actively participant in the workshop.
Beside case-studies, well-researched activities and exercises, power point presentations and group debates, the workshop also includes some traditional team building exercises to foster team-work and collaboration.
Target participants
Participants are business executives and rank-and file staff with an above than average level of written and spoken English.
No previous experience or knowledge in DISC is required.Group size
Ideal group size is 12 to 40 participants.