This team building workshop aims at developing a healthy and fulfilled workforce by pinpointing conflicts within the work environment and by solving these through effective intercultural communication.
A recent study by shows that the single most important skill to develop your workforce is communication, followed by team work. And interestingly, this does not depend on where your business is located around the globe, or whether you are a small, medium-sized or large corporation. Developing communication and team work skills is the responsibility of the top management and will remain so for the years to come.
In this thought-provoking Team Building and intercultural communication workshop, your executives will develop exactyly these skills, by pinpointing conflicts in the workplace, by identifying silos in your organization, by overcoming team dysfunctions and by developing a culture in which a happy and fulfilled workforce thrive.
Cultural differences are at the heart of most conflicts, and in this this fascinating intercultural workshop, executive dive into a world of powerful analysis, enjoyable case studies, surprising team building activities, breath-taking motivational taks and imaginative solutions to your organizations most pressing problems.
Learning outcomes
Before the start of the workshop, participants...
- fill in the TKI conflict mode questionnaire and the culture in the workplace questionnaire.
During the workshop, participants are...
- inspired by fun, interactive and engaging team building activities,
- having a deep and metaphysical team bonding experience,
- getting to know one selves and each other better,
- learning about TKI conflict mode instrument (Thomas Kilman) and Cultural Dimensions (Gerd Hofstede)
- having a fun and enjoyful time.
After the workshop, participants will be able to...
- trust one another,
- identify positive and negative conflict in the workplace,
- understand the difference between embracing conflict and avoiding conflict,
- remember the different conflict styles,
- demonstrate how negative conflict can be effectively avoided in the workplace,
- recognize cultural dimensions,
- explain cultural difference such as power distance, individualism uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation,
- and develop team-oriented culture and where people are happy, stress-free and deeply committed.
Please contact us for a more detailed agenda.
Methodology and knowledge transfer
The Team building and intercultural communication workshop is based on the principle of experiential learning, with hands-on learning activities and exercises. Students and participants are synonymous and learn through experience, reflection and discourse.
The main sources of research are the TKI Conflict instrument, Lencioni's 1st and 2nd Dysfunctions of a team and Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions alongside with research about Silo Politics and Case studies from multinational companies. The theory is ignited by popular team building activities.
Teaching technique
This two-day workshop consists of mind-bogling exercises, inspring case studies, physical and mental team bonding activities, meaningful discussions and transformational motivational speeches.
Our facilitators use the following techniques:
- Questionnaires and statistics
- Name badges portraying the student's conflict mode.
- Power Point to introduce a topic.
- Eliciting to break the ice and to evaluate students knowledge.
- Ice breaker or team building games
- Case studies
- Group work and presentations.
- Briefing to set the task or objective of a particular activity or exercise.
- Debriefing or group discussion.
- Recapping or drawing conclusions (summarization).
Target participants
Target participants are corporate groups from multinational companies with a diverse cultural workforce.
The Intercultural Communication workshop is aimed for upper to top management. Rank and file staff are not recommended to participate. Executives should have a complete command of English language.
Participants may be from the same office location, or from different offices around South-East Asia who come to Thailand for a conference.
Group size
The best group size is anywhere between 15 to 30 participants.
Workshop location
This team building management learning workshop takes place off-site in Bangkok or anywhere in South-East Asia.
Specific event venue can be chosen by the client or please see our recommended hotels on our packages section.
The most suitable event venue is a hotel or resort with both an indoor venue (meeting) and an outdoor venue (lawn). Therefore, we do typically not conduct this workshop in the client's office.