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Reading book for P5&6

Reading book for P5&6

In order to imporove the student's reading skills, we have selected the book Where people Live, which consists of a short paragraph of reading, with an exercise "reading comprehension".


On the side, the sudent will find the key vocabulary in Thai langauge. This book is for students P5&6, year 11 and 12. Each student will get their own book.


The USD 44 include ordering, and delivery of the books.

  • Payment

    Payment can be done by Visa, Mastercard or American Express, by clicking the "Donate" button, then "Check-out with paypal". You will need to further click "Check-out as a guest". Then enter your email and credit card details. 

    Another opion is to transfer the money by transferwise.

    If there are payment issues, please contact us.

The product name is the name of the event, in bold above the download button.

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